Pick a Month, Any Month
Financially, this is a difficult time of year for me: car taxes are due, my home warranty is up for renewal, and then of course the dreaded income tax has to be dealt with (I always end up owing something). Meanwhile, I’m also trying to plan my vacations. And yes, they are a priority.
Fortunately, I’ve caught a break concerning vacation financing, thanks to Brett/Robinson’s latest deal. If you book a condo for stays during certain arrival and departure times in March, April, May, June, July, or August, you get an additional 20% discount. The deal involves a four-night minimum stay, and you have to book by 11 p.m. on January 28th. That gives me about a week and a half to decide which months I want to pick. I see discounted spring and summer vacations in my future!
More information about this deal is available on the Brett/Robinson website.