
ARRRRRRR there’re pirates everywhere….

Ms. Beachin's initial foray to Pirates Cove.
Local boat owners talk about Pirates Cove as a great place to motor or sail to while away an afternoon Jimmy Buffet style.

Boat-less and a tried and true landlubber I decided to venture to Pirates Cove in my car. Checking out the website. I figured shorts, flip flops and a tee shirt would be dressed up enough. I have to say I was overdressed (swim attire and beach towel is standard uniform).

Driving by car you’ll be able to creatively park under trees nearby “the clubhouse”. There’s a roped off swim beach and wooden picnic tables scattered about, a boat dock, and if there is no room at the dock, skippers just drive the boat onto the sandy beach and park. Visitors wade through the water and walk into the bar.

Less of a restaurant and more of laid back hangout come ready to socialize and relax. Bushwhackers and beer complement the menu of burgers and pizza. Moms this place is actually kid friendly. Babies of 6 months to great-grand parents in their 80’s blend in nicely.

The burgers were good and the pizza looked tempting. Order early, on a busy afternoon it can take about an hour to get your food. There are three bar areas at Pirates Cove, for faster service go to the bars on the right or left hand side of the building. The bartender runs your credit card, so order at which ever bar is closest. Waitresses yell your name as they stroll about the decks with your food in hand. If you don’t respond, the band calls out names between verses.

One more thing….the dogs, you gotta love dogs or don’t go. Dogs are everywhere and have free run on the beaches and decks. We made friends with Cheezie, a short mutt about 10 pounds and low to the ground. Cheezie preferred the cheese burger over the onion rings, but munched on a few fries as well. I really liked the onion rings so I think Cheezie was being a little too picky.

After three beers and a burger it was time to go. I handed by keys to hubby and gave Cheezie one last scratch behind the ear and hummed along with the band for as long as I could hear them.

Ahh, another great day in paradise.